Easter Riding course from 20 to 25 of April / Solidarity Bibs of the Mont-Blanc Marathon
As part of the 2020 Mont-Blanc Marathon Solidarity Bibs, the Chamonix Sports Club Riding Section will visit the Laizé Equestrian Center (71) during the Easter holidays.
The field of Laizé, has a large cavalry and a huge domain.
This place is ideal to follow a week-long internship at the end of the winter for a return to the saddle, a development in view of next competitions and the French Championships in Lamotte Beuvron (July). It can also discover new disciplines such as aerobatics riding, cross and so
3 options are proposed to riders from 10 years, from 20 to 25 OF April 2020.
(Limited participants)
Stage Classique: discovery of a wide range of activities (aerobatics rinding, dressage, jumping, terks, games etc.)
Competition course CCE: improvement in cross, CSO and dressage. Preparation and participation in the official competition on April 25th & 26th.
Stage CCE supervised by Emmanuel Quittet CCE National coach: For riders with minimum of G4. Training in Cross, CSO and dressage with the objectives and advice given by the national coach. Participation in the official competition on on April 25th & 26th..
Registration and information by email
Our special thanks to the donors of the bibs solidarity of the Mont Blanc Marathon without whom it could not have been possible

Riding course / Solidarity Bibs of the Mont-Blanc Marathon
As part of the 2019 Mont-Blanc Marathon Solidarity Bibs, the Chamonix... Read more
Trophée du sport Dec 21th 6PM Majestic
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Back to the CSOs for 2018/2019 season
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Our riders on internship in Laizé
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Internship in Laizé (71)
And here we go our riders on the way to Laizé where they will be... Read more
Spring coming soon time to go
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